
玉石手串图片及价格 玉石手链

11-30     浏览量:50

玉石手串(收于2016年)此手串,鲜艳欲滴,如沂蒙山上小小的、酸酸的、甜甜的羊奶子;又似南方佳果黄皮,金黄的果皮光洁耀目;还像内蒙马路两边,放眼望去千亩万亩没有尽头的沙棘,更像...... This bracelet is bright and dripping, such as small, sour and sweet yang nai zi on Yimeng Mountain. It is also like the huang pi of southern fruits, with golden skin bright and clean. Also like Inner Mongolia on both sides of the road, looking at thousands of acres of sha ji without end, more like ......
